The tweet gained over 360 retweets and 4,000 likes in four months (shown below, left). For example, on February 13th, 2022, Twitter user replied with a screenshot of the Torment Nexus tweet to the news of MoviePass intending to track people's eyes through cameras while they watch ads, similar to a scene from a Black Mirror episode. Use finder to search for straight and gay onlyfans girls and guys. A repost to the /r/Cyberpunk subreddit made on January 22nd, 2022, received over 10,300 upvotes in five months.įollowing the tweet, the phrases 'Torment Nexus,' 'Don't create the Torment Nexus' and variations achieved virality as a comment on news of various perceivably dystopian technologies being developed, similar to the Man-Made Horrors Beyond My Comprehension meme. including some hot videos for muscle fans The content contained It makes me so wet.
For example, on November 22nd, 2021, Redditor CalibanDrive reposted it to the /r/ABoringDystopia subreddit, where it gained over 15,800 upvotes in seven months. The post by AlexBlechman received viral spread through reposts on other social media in the following weeks.