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White sands, crystal clear waters and swaying palms! Where travel insiders are booking their beach holidays this summer Inside Holly Hagan's wedding: Star had singing mermaids, a gravy fountain and THREE outfit changes (and reveals why Chloe Ferry wasn't invited!) 'Please tell me she's OK?' Morning Live viewers gasp in horror after Janette Manrara accidentally spin-kicks a DOG while performing a dance move Jessica Chastain puts on a vibrant display in a fuchsia pink satin zip-up gown as she leads the stars at the Paramount+ dinner in LondonĬlaudia Winkleman rocks her trademark look with heavy eyeliner and a chunky fringe as she joins husband Kris Thykier at Paramount+ dinner Kim Kardashian gives tour of her chic work space (with VERY uncomfortable looking wooden office chair) as she credits Kanye West with the name for skincare line SKKN Hailey Bieber is sued for her skincare company Rhode after a clothing company claimed she stole its trademarked name

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Love Island 2022: 'Bosses line up new bombshell Billy Brown to stir things up in the villa' (and he already knows Gemma!) Ioan Gruffudd puts on a smitten display with his girlfriend Bianca Wallace at the Monte Carlo Television Festival

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